
University of Partium


University of Debrecen

Ministerul dezvoltării regionale şi turismului

Nemzeti fejlesztési ügynökség

Biroul Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Oradea

VÁTI Nonprofit Kft.

















































































































































































































































































































































I.Workshop (18-20.03.2011)

II. Workshop (13-15.05.2011)

III. Workshop (01-03.07.2011)

IV. Workshop (14-16.10.2011)

V. Workshop (11-13 11. 2011)

VI. Workshop (13-15.01.2012)

I.Conference (03-04.06.2011)


III.Conferance (03-04.03.2012)

Education on field



Newspaper articles




I.Workshop (18-20.03.2011)


The first workshop had taken place in Oradea between 18-20.03.2011. The subjects presented and discussed concerned to intercultural and multicultural aspects, identity, cultural transfer, intercultural and multicultural education.
The development of cultural, anthropological, literary, musical and pedagogical knowledge had been the main issue of the actual workshop, as well as the preparation for fieldwork. Throughout revealing different Hungarian and Romanian cohabitational traditions, the participants had also proceeded to write articles for the book which will be published within the project.





I.Conference (03-04.06.2011):


The first conference was held between 03-04.06.2011 in Oradea with the subject of multiculturalism, germanism , identity research, cultural transfer, linguistic ideologies, sociology, intercultural pedagogy and methodology.
Aims of the conference consisted in the intention to develop/enlarge the students’ multi- and intercultural knowledge. Like workshops, the conference is also a main source to prepare students for further fieldworks, as it helps them gather the necessary theoretical and educational knowledge for working out a well established and prepared fieldwork. Furthermore, this project event was also intending to create equality in deepening the students’ professional and methodological knowledge. 
During and after the conference articles and studies had been born which will be collected and selected to make up the future volume study.





II. Workshop

The next event was the organization of a workshop between 13-15.05.2011 in Hajdúböszörmény. The main subject of the workshop was romology, interculturalism and multiculturalism, cultural memory, children’s literature, pedagogy and methodology, anthropology and the preparation for the field-work taking place in the following period.
The development of mother tongue culture, game- and communication possibilities in order to save identity, as well as the practice of self-evaluation and identification were also important issues discussed and presented.
Important steps were taken in order to continue the compilation of the planned volume of studies.






II. Conference (28-29.10.2011)

II. conference was organized between 28-29.10.2011 in Satu Mare with the subject of tale research, romology, identity research, interculturalism and multiculturalism, linguistic and literary contacts, forming of specialists, intercultural education, research and educational methodology




III. Workshop ( 01-03.07.2011)

Between 01-03.07.2011 in Satu Mare had been organized the following workshop with the main subject of folklore, romology, multiculturalism, tale research, minority literatures, identity, children’s literature, and pedagogy.
By means of presenting the ideas of the workshop, the main goal was to raise the motivation in students for fieldwork. An important step was the preparation of students for creating communication strategies and using their methodological knowledge in the examined village communities, and last but not least the preparation for surveying ethnic revival. The tutors intended to encourage students to carry out research work individually, this fact consisting an essential part of the projects aims.
During the workshop the participants continued to collect studies and articles for the book which will be published within the project.







IV. Workshop (14-16.10.2011)

had taken place in Oradea between 14-16.10.2011 with the main subject of identity research, sociology, German-Hungarian relationships, multiculturalism, multilingvism, tale research, pedagogy and methodology. 
The main issues discussed at the workshop referred to intercultural teaching methods by reviving and reevaluating the local values in each locality which takes part in the project. Students had the possibility to acquire further knowledge regarding field works activities and research. The participants assisted with essential ideas to the creation of the future study volume.




V. Workshop (11-13 11. 2011)

had taken place in Satu Mare between 11-13 November 2011.
The main issues discussed were : national, regional and local identity; linguistic ideologies and contacts, intercultural education, romology, tale research, intercultural pedagogy and methodology.






VI. Workshop (13-15.01.2012)

Being the last workshop of the project, the participants summarized all the ideas and themes discussed during the whole period, including intercultural teaching methods by reviving and reevaluating the local values in each locality, the fieldworks where students had the possibility to important experiences for future activities and research. The participants assisted with essential ideas to the creation of the future study volume.
The ideas and main subjects discussed were the following: folklore, romology, multiculturalism, tale research, minority literatures, identity, children’s literature, and pedagogy, research, sociology, German-Hungarian relationships, multiculturalism, multilingvism, tale research, pedagogy and methodology. 
regional and local identity; linguistic ideologies and contacts, intercultural education, romology, tale research, intercultural pedagogy and methodology.


III.Conferance (03-04.03.2012)

The closing conference was organized between 03-04.03.2012 in Hajdúböszörmény where the professors and students from the three institutions taking part in the project have summarized the experiences gathered during the field work done in the local communities of Hadad, Piskolt, Mezőfény, Nagyecsed, and Vállaj-Mérk.
There were invited several guests at the conference, among them Erdős Imréné nursery leader , Teremi Dóra nursery teacher, and  Lakatos Gyöngyi teacher who shared their professional experiences regarding teaching and educating roma children in school and nursery, as well as their felling in line with the others. The students and professors taking part in field work in different local communities of Hungary and Romania shared their experiences at round table discussion regarding their own experiences about the integration of roma children.
At the end of the first day community developing games were played (intellectual and sport competitions) which were organized by Olvasztóné Balogh Zsuzsa és Bujdosóné dr Papp Andrea.


Education on field



The education on field represents an essential part of the project and it takes places in different localities, trying to survey the peculiarities of each local entity examined.
In the first reporting period there was organized a four days filed work in Nagyecsed(HU) between 11-14.04, where the experts in education from Satu Mare have examined the structure, educational methods and traditions of the Dancs Lajos Music-Singing High School, as well as the Nagyecsed Nursery. Main activities carried out were: getting acquainted with the structure of the school and the nursery; observing educational activities in school: Hungarian language, Mathematics, Environmental education, Music and singing, following activities in nursery: gymnastics, music and singing; medical pedagogical development, preparation for Easter among children and parents; getting involved in the school life: school days, organizations, afternoon activities; getting involved in the nursery life: leading game activities, participating in programs organized by parents.
The experiences were only positive from both sides: warm welcome from the local institutions, varied activities carried on together, the pupils' positive attitude towards the students and the students' positive attitude towards the exercises.
There had taken place a field work in Nagyecsed between 21-22.11 and 28-29.11
Preceding the activity of working on the field, the students were prepared by two preparatory sessions in 10.11 and 14.11. The main themes of the preparatory seminars were:

The first field work in Nagyecsed between 21-22.11 was led by Végh Balázs Béla and Stark Gabriella with the participation of  9 students. It had taken place in the Dancs Lajos Music-Singing High School, as well as the Nagyecsed Nursery. Main activities worked out:

Experiences gathered :

As a continuation of  examining the local traditions, pedagogical and methodological instruments used, the field work had been repeated between 28-29.11 in Nagyecsed, in the same institutions: Dancs Lajos Music-Singing High School,
The trainers were Végh Balázs Béla and Stark Gabriella, the participants included 9 students.
Main activities worked out:

Experiences gathered :

The third fieldwork had taken place in Vállaj General School, Mérk General School, Vállaj Nursery and Mérk Nursery between 20-23. and 28-29. February 2012 lead by Végh Balázs Béla and Stark Gabriella.
Before the filed work, the students had taken place at two preparatory seminars in 11th  February and 18th February.
The preparatory seminars included:
The outline of the first preparatory seminar:
-               presenting the educational system of Vállaj and Mérk
-               Presenting the pecularities of Nursery Program and National Education Syllabus from the gentinitial education (german) point of view
-               Methods of getting to know the children
-               Examining viewpoints

The outline of the second preparatory seminar:
-               The ethical behavior of future pedagogues towards children, parents and padagogues
-               Dealing with multiple disadvantaged children
-               The presence of national heritages in the life of nursery and school
-              Methods of preparing the documentation
At fieldwork had taken place 9 students carrying out the following activities:

Experiences gathered:



Newspaper articles

After the first workshop organized in Oradea between 18-20.03.2011, there was a press appearance in online media: at 20.03.2011. The article presented details regarding the project ideas, the participants and the main goals of it. Other press appearance: Reggeli Újság, Erdé

Following the workshop held between 01-03.07.2011 in Satu Mare, the online news website published an article about the project workshop, and also an article appeared in the Szatmári friss Újság. Beside summarizing the project’s aims and project partners, the articles presented the program of the workshop, the main lecturers and discourses held.


Press articles

Erdon 2011.07.18 08:09,"Múlt és jövő, nagy tenger egy
kebelnek" 2011.03.22 | 11:18 "Értékőrzés a határ menti régióban",2011.06.24.,"Kezdetét vette a konferencia"

Reggeli Újság:2011. march 21,"Értékőrzés a határmenti régióban"

ERDON 2011.07.1; "Pedagógusok a hagyományőrzésért


Online articles _2011_07_01 "Pedagógusok a hagyományőrzésért"

ERDON.RO_2011_03 20 "Szakértők a helyi identitásért"

Szatmar.ro_2011_06_24"Konferenciára kerül sor Szatmárnémetiben"











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